- 作品欣賞
月獸 Month-ter
Our story is about a girl who is in puberty. One day the girl found out that her period was coming. At the same time, a horrible and annoying monster appears, constantly disrupting her life. The girl is scared and disturbed by this unknown monster, full of incomprehension, they have a fierce struggle in the fantasy world. Fortunately, after this fight, the girl realize that monsters are actually not that scary, and try to get along with him.
- 學校: 國立屏東大學
- 團隊:北南馬馬陸
- 指導老師:牟彩雲
- 導演:吳慈芯、張馨文、陳榮欣、趙可瑜、黃美瑄
- 劇本:吳慈芯、張馨文、陳榮欣、趙可瑜、黃美瑄
- 剪輯:吳慈芯、黃美瑄
- 攝影:吳慈芯、張馨文、陳榮欣、趙可瑜、黃美瑄